VN - Ren'Py - Twisted Memories [v0.9b] [BaiBai]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game. At least till now, the flow and how everything is conveyed feel pretty good. Stephanie is really endearing and a strong LI. Really recommend it.
    The graphical aspect i think is also really good and if the dev can push out updates in the 1-2 months guideline, that would be a godsend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.4

    It really feels like I need to write a review because, even though there're some annoying aspects, the overall quality of this game is really unexpectedly GOOD.

    The title itself pretty much says it all: An ugly bastard turns back into a teenager and corrupts the woman of his past. You play as an ugly bastard in his fourties with no wife, no child, no stable income, and certainly no future, yet after some accidents you somehow travel back to your teenage years.

    Even though this theme might have been a bit cliche in AVNs already, the story itself says otherwise. Before and after MC becomes a teenager again, the feeling of regret, loss, confusion, and dedication is conveyed really well especially in the Prologue and the first in-game day.

    As MC starts to be accustomed to this new situation, he recollects his past memories and compares it with the present ones and finds out how many opportunities he've missed, how many people that once cared about him will slowly drift apart because of his neglect, cowardice, or mistakes. I think this is something that we as human beings are all able to relate to: what would we have done if we are bestowed with a second chance? Even though I'm still in my early twenties, it really makes me think about the past and some of the choices I should've made or not made, and I don't think there're too many AVNs that manages to make me have some retrospects in real life. Even though the "task" of seducing/ corrupting the LIs is still the main focus, I'm glad that the dev manages to keep MC's feeling of nostalgia and the determination of change intact, since this is one of the highlights of this game for me.

    As can be seen in the thumbnail the LIs are divided into two groups: families and classmates, and even though this is still an early development and thus there ain't much contents in it, I really think the dev balances the screentime of each LIs and the interaction between MC and them pretty well, like it's natural that Stephanie will be the first and chief focus in the early stage, the family members are given relatively equal screentime since they live together with MC, and it's reasonable that Cathrine receives less contents than others since she's taken already.

    For now there's only one actual sex scene but the buildup of it is realllllly satisfying, and both the dialogues and animation are done fantastically to make this scene special both for relationship and story progression.

    Now there're some parts that I really cannot say I appreciate:

    1. Typos, typos, typos everywhere. It's really distracting especially when you're reading an impressive story and somehow there're tons of typos that are all over the place. This is perhaps my biggest complaint of this game and the dev should seriously spend some time proofreading or hire somebody to do so.
    2. The body configuration. The balloon breast is also all over the place to the point that only one LI doesn't have that but it's because she hasn't experienced proper physical development since she's a minor. Even though I'm a huge fan of big breast, I do wish there're some variety in terms of that. Also, there're some scenes in which MC's body isn't the same as he should have, like in the Stephanie sex scene he somehow becomes a muscle guy which is too absurd that it makes me laugh a little bit.

    Overall, Twisted Memories is the first AVN I've played in 2023 that I could call "close to perfection". Even though you might not be a fan of Honey Select models, the story alone is already enough to get you engaged. Hope future updates can be as good as the current contents.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    The "I was reincarnated as a..." premise might be pretty stale at this point, but this is by no means a cookie cutter story to add to the pile. 5 stars here means "excellent" rather than saying it's a perfect game.

    The writing is actually extremely compelling. The main theme that is explored is how our memories of the past might not always be accurate. A middle aged incel loser with no meaningful relationships left lives life on autopilot. He gets a second chance at life and is reminded that there was once a time in his life where he had people to care about. The sad state of his existence which he might have blamed on other people doesn't seem so cut and dry when he lives through his memories with a new perspective.

    The character writing is very strong. Everyone has some depth to their character and people act believably in any given situation according to their knowledge and personality (with some obvious liberties taken for the incest tag).

    The MC still harbors the pervert nature, but he undergoes a lot of character growth and introspection. Through the player's choices, you can subtly nudge the characterization of the MC into a more redemption focused story or a slightly more deviant side. That said, the difference is very subtle. In both cases, the MC will grow into a better person and still harbor some sexual motivations.

    There is a lot of sexual tension building up. It's expertly done. There is only 1 full sex scene so far, and it was executed very well. Lots of dialogues, narration, animations, different positions, and very good flow to the whole thing.

    Just 2 complaints after finishing the current release.
    Absurd balloon tits. Not a fan, but nothing to be done about this. The general overall aesthetics of the game is still quite pleasing to me.

    It feels like the game had an excellent proofreader in the early portions and then they quit or something. At some point, the grammar, word choices, spelling, and phrasing takes a noticeable dip. It's not bad enough to detract from the story telling, but it's definitely distracting enough. Easily fixed by another pass of proofreading.

    I'd like to say just one more thing. There's a decent amount of well written stories in the adult gaming scene, but it's a bit rarer for those stories to also make you think about things beyond the scope of the narrative. I won't go as far as to say this is some super deep masterpiece, but it does have the power to invoke some self reflection about your own life or think about the human condition in general. After all, what are we if not the collection of our memories?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on 0.4:

    Overall, a really good game. Might not deserve the full 5 Stars since I have some issues with some parts, however, those are minor things and I have the feeling that the potential of this game is really big.

    Story is not new, but also not bad at all. MC gets set back in time and has a second chance in life. MC comes of as a really disgusting person at once, but is actually quite a deep character, who is grateful and wants to help on the one side, but is also aiming for his own personal benefit on the other. Not a bad guy at all, but also not a completely good guy.

    Female Characters look great. Most have really big boobs, which is a total win for me, but they will be offputting for people who are not into that. But overall, really good-looking Love Interests and totally my taste.

    Dialogues are well-written. The Dev writes on a high level when it comes to the actual meaning of the Posts and you get the idea that the MC is really intelligent, but for some reason had some wrong turns in his previous life. Story in its own is also good, it keeps you interested and you want to know what exactly happend to MC, since he has some memories about some things, but also some things are missing.

    Regarding things I dont like:

    Spelling. Lots of mistakes, which show that there is some work to do. A proofreader would be great, because the actual writing is good and does not need to be improved, just a look for typos and similar mistakes.

    Some Characters are pretty annoying. Mainly the childhood Friend Leo, but also the rival Aden. Later one will most likely end up being redundant anyway.

    And, last but not least, there is not much difference between Corruption and Seduction, at least at this point. The dialogue is different and sometimes the MC comes of as somewhat rude when doing the Corruption-choice, but thats about it. However, I am very sure that it will play out in future Updates, since obviously there will not be much difference at the start.

    So while I have some points which I dislike, I feel that they are either stuff which can easily be fixed (Typos) or will change (lack of difference between Corruption and Seduction) or are just things which you have to deal with due to the nature of the game (Leo being annoying, but he is a young character, so it fits).

    So overall, well-deserved 5 Stars, Dev deserves every Support they get. If you are into Harem-Games and Corruption and like the Look of the LIs, I highly recommend to check out this game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing scenes and characters with a story that makes sense. Tampers a lot to the semi slow mental corruption of women and I love it as well as the story that feels personal and real. Looking forward to whatever this becomes, it has instantly become one of my favourites and I await updates with bated breath.

    The only negative is the proofreading and typos. The writing definitely needs a second read before an update is released but it doesn't take me away from the story much at all.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm very much impressed by this game. The writing is one of the top on this site. All the scenes and their transitions have a lot thoughts put into them which give the feel of a high production value.

    Among the best of characters design plus the fantastic renders make it a game that you should not ignore no matter your preferences.

    They are a few negatives, tho not enough to remove a star. It's minor, but the font need to be replaced to make it easier to read. Also the girls boobs are in general too big to my taste but it's nothing compared to the ridiculous huge dick that the mc has. It looks idiotic and If there is a fellatio scene in a following update it will look like shit, but dev probably knows that since his animations are suberb. I was worried about the big boobies during sex scenes, however the boob physics were done masterfully.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start and a fun premise. Really enjoyed the story and the renders, while a bit too ginormous in the chests for my personal taste, are top notch. I'm really looking forward to seeing the story unfold.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still early in development and has only one sex scene so far but boy, if it isn't the hotest thing I've seen on the internet it's pretty close.

    The story is also right up my ally with it's Detective Conan XXX feeling.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't like the style of these games, but I really enjoy this one. I thought the story would be boring, but I really enjoyed what I played so far. Love the characters and the story so far and cannot wait for the next update. I will keep my eye on this one for sure!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game is actually excellent; there are some proofreading issues which I'd love to help with, but I found the story and characterization compelling. I'm also not really into Honey Select models, but they work well here and the dev is adding some subtle animations that really make this VN pop. Can't wait for future updates
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is surprisingly good.
    It is still very much in the beginning, but what is there is really enjoyable.

    The plot is not really original, there are several games and other works with the same or at least a similar set-up.
    Old fart dies, gets reborn in his younger body or in another younger body.
    Tries to get with the people he couldn't get with before, including his own family.

    But it is done well here. The dialogue is mostly nice, you have the option between seducing or romancing the girls, and it's a nice collection of anime/hentai trope characters.
    The girls are all a bit on the thick side and most have very large tits.
    I happen to like tits, and while they are indeed ginormous, it isn't a problem for me.

    There is humour, the writing is decent, the renders are fine. Nothing bad I can say about it, but it does have two minor flaws that detract a star from the rating.

    For one, the grammar and spelling is abominable. I was really pulled out from my enjoyment, because of the spelling and other mistakes.
    The second is more of a personal disappointment and didn't really reflect in the actual rating. You have the mother of a former friend who is a gorgeous MILF, and you have the teacher who is also fucking hot, and you CAN flirt with the teacher, but neither her nor the MILF are in the list of love interests you get stats for, which makes me think, they won't be full-blown LIs.

    Now, for another positive thing I forgot, I liked how the MC has really diverging memories from what he experiences in the past.
    We don't know yet whether this has any actual meaning, or whether it's just faulty human unobjective memory.
    It does seem kind of weird, that he completely forgot one of his closer friends, though. Maybe there is more to that at least.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, there isn't much action. But there is also nothing else like this game. As a fan of pure aesthetics, this was simply dreamlike. The characters make such a deep impression on you in such a short time it's actually unreal.
    Likes: mc247
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Mediocre, but fun

    Worst thing about the game is by far the protagonist. He's introduced as this middle aged degenerate who couldn't get anywhere in life, and presented as a wannabe womanizer who happens to be too ugly to score. But upon going back to the past his flaws of character basically get reduced to that of a horny teenager.
    Worse still, he's a horny teenager only in so far as the story needs him to be, because as soon as it is convenient he is suddenly a very charming, thoughtful person whose allegedly shit life still gave him whatever skill he needs to impress the girls around him in any given situation.
    It's a bad way to build him up as a likable protagonist, especially because not enough happens to endear him to the player.

    Apart from that, the game is fine. It's as tropey and cliched as you probably expected from the tags.
    The girls are kind of generic but they're developed ok.
    The dialogue is good, even if there are many instances of broken english. It does constantly tell the reader directly what the girls are thinking mid conversation, which I particularly dislike as a crutch, but it's not too bad.

    All in all a solid 3/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Thats as excellent game. Story deep enaugh to keep you interested. Characters with depth to them and each and every girl/woman in this game is damn good looking.

    I tought that it was another incest game like many out there but there is something different about it. Choices are simple to make but they all have impact on the game and how the story progress in the long run. The only problem I have is that I only played 4 hours of it into the night. I was curious at midnight.. got hooked and played it for 4 hours straight right before work. Damn poor choice of timing..

    Either way. If you aren't into incest then there are much more interesting girls to explore than just your family.

    I have seen that dev only has few subscribers so I will join his subscriber list pretty soon. At least I will try because I can't activate my account for now due to bug...

    Happy Fapping!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect such an emotional story with such well fleshed out characters when I went into this game. The girls look amazing, the story makes you feel things, and the characters have me much more invested than in most other VNs. It's been somewhat of a slow burn so far, but that isn't a bad thing imo since it lets you get more invested in the characters and story while it teases you leaving you excited for when fun times do happen.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played maybe a few hundred games and don't have a taste for visual novels. But this. Man. The story is good, but the characters and the emotions you can feel are amazing. I didn't even think about masturbating, the only thing that kept me going was the story and the characters.
    And above all, the novel awakened some inner thoughts in me. I really wanted to be a good brother/friend to these girls. I am still amazed.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    What an unexpected delight! I Just genuinelly played a whole lot of hours reading a well writen story! I am surprised with the lack of subcribers. Please support this.

    Characters are deep and belivable. This is exactly what I want from slow burn games. Those expressions just mmmm. I want more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very pleasantly suprised by this game. Looking forward for the next update, and already supporting it. I am curiuos about how fast the updates will be delivered in future updates.
    The girls are all very hot.

    Updated: Sex scenes are insane in this game for my taste.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, this game is just... nice, you know?

    Went in expecting a standard 'corrupt everyone' game, but it turned out to be a well written, or at least well characterized, do-over fantasy

    The main character is not just the typical cynical ugly bastard NTR man, they actually seem nice and want good things to happen to people as well as to bone down on them?

    the rest of the characters also feel fleshed out and not just there for the fetish tick boxes. Or maybe im reading too much into it but there is something about the writing and story thats struck a chord with me

    It is nice that everyone seems to be nice and caring, whilst still being believable as character, and also with no caveat of corruption magic or gamified relationship mechanics
    Not that corruption magic or gamified relationship mechanics are necessarily a bad thing, just a nice change of pace from what ive been playing

    Renders and character models are great and expressive, even if some of the male models are a bit dorky looking

    Whilst there is a lack of H-scenes currently, I honestly think the game still stands up on its own as a Visual Novel

    Is good, would recommend (y)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it! What everyone is saying about this is true, it is great and I'm very excited to see more! At this moment, it is still in the build-up phase, but the pace is pretty good I think. It feels believable without unnecessarily stretching it out too much.
    The scene with Stephanie was mild but pretty hot and is like a teaser of what is to come! Thumbs up from me!