LEGO Ideas Globe Experiments!
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- In this video I'm going to take the LEGO Ideas Globe Set 21332 and do a bunch of experiments with it, like spinning it as fast as possible and completely transforming it into something else (*cough... MINECRAFT!!)
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video LINK: • Minecraft Cave Mini Bi...
The original LEGO Ideas Globe set 21332 is not my design and I take no credibility for it ;)
yo that was Legendary!!!
You got pinned lucky you
I loved this Lego creator
I too tried it on as a hat when I was halfway through... great video!
I'm like your channel's biggest fan btw dude!!
we all would
Yo chrisy
dude, HALF ASLEEP CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm one of your MILLION subscribers
This is absolutely amazing. The detail in this video is off the charts!!
I've seen many a lego sphere over the years.... This approach is still quite cursed, yet also quite elegant.
Now as for the modifications, that's just comedy gold.
i love how he just takes the time to see if it can scratch his back!
riley: *destroys Europe * riley: well lets just turn it into minecraft
Makes sense
He he
I see this as an absolute win!
Germany: NOOOOOOOOOOO......
Ww2 reference
My thoughts whenever Riley broke it: “The damage is not too bad, the foundations are still good, we can rebuild this place...etc”. Was a great vid! 👍🏻
Hello korg
@@elmo578 no u lol
Hi brick science
No fair
@brickscience Did you take my idea in the video?
I love that ideas lifted the “no new pieces” rule!
Someone needs to turn that thing into a spinning Death Star MOC. Great video, man, very entertaining. xD
The death star
MandR did 😁
Riley: Tries to destroy the world with a spin and a quarter back.
Also Riley: *Gets Karma*
Oh man you are killing it with these experiments. I love your rendition of the stalactites. will use them
Eyebrow ho ho
@@Brick_Science is ur name riley
@@RK_PLAYS His name is Riley
@@Brick_Science 2888
1:12 My thoughts exactly
Ok fr, that Minecraft globe was adorable, definitely needs to be a Lego Set
Also, Lego 100% should do a Death Star version of it (bigger if possible), it would be easy money
I love your videos and legos
broooo this is unreal just from the tumbnail
Ayy its scared bricks
Experiment 1.5 was by far the most important.
Great video Riley! The Minecraft globe was awesome!
you are the best RUclipsr ever killin it
That’s epic! Great video!!!
riley: okay so we're going to stirpe off (runs fingers on the lego goble)
Man that globe cave was AWESOME!!! I love the idea of a minecave.
Taking the slogan "rebuild the world" to a brand new level
ive been contemplating whether or not to buy this set. ive been watching review after review to find out whether or not it is a good backscratch. thank you for putting my search to rest of finding a lego globe that doubles as a backscratcher. I am greateful.
😂 your welcome
if i were to build this thing, a spider would somehow get into it and live in it as i am spinning. then it will fly on me and i will scream so it will break. tip: build it somewhere sensible.
God seeing all the destruction hurts so much lol. Good job man
Lol h the way you said seven ours like you do it every day was hilarious
Dude I've seen so many cool mocs come from this darn set, and this is no exception
That building was so satisfying
This man needs 10 million subs! He's so awesome!
You reaaaaally did break the internet!!!!!! LOL (like the movie wreck-it Ralph, Breaks the Internet) ;)
Fun Experiments! I love minecraft version build! 5:20
*foreshadowing of global warming during the bowling test *
Wow. This is incredible! Great video.
Brick:Lets try again!
Antartica:Alright i am out then.
I think your next idea should be to build a bowling simulator where you make a whole lego bowl area where when you knock down pins.
“Wait a minute..💀”
-Brick Science (Riley)
Amazing build! I love your videos!
Great rebuild dude, but you shoulda put it back on the stand at the end! Now for a Death Star? Then a Ring World?
I would give up, but damn respect for making this amazing content for us.
The RUclips algorithm has guided me to you which is amazing!
That was so cool, the creativity was seriously through the roof 😄 keep it up
Thanks jumpcutjack
@@Brick_Science i agree✔
This is so incredible! But you are a very good youtuber unlike me small youtuber. Keep it up!
Oh man!!! I can’t wait!!!
Sick video Riley your gunna be at 1 mil soon
SUPER SHOUT OUT SQUAD lego must hire him,he is a lego God literally!!😎
Riley building a Lego set: You’ve underestimated my power Lego.
5:44 Grats to Guillaume Rousel for designing it, he probably didn't expect it to make it so far yet here we are!
bro im your biggest fan i love the iron man mask in the backround i love your builds there amazing im love lego too i have the lego technic ford gt and the lego technic bugatti and much more
someone plz like my comment im 9 years old plz
This should be an official Minecraft Lego set
Really cool build!!! Can’t wait
When it premiers but… I might be sleeping lol
Very fun video!! That crashing part is hilarious!
Damn, this looks absolutely amazing! I almost feel like MineCraft and LEGO were meant to be together
That's actually make sense because they both have the same basic, CUBE...
@@Chaseeecooksss how tf is he getting r/whooooshed??
@@Chaseeecooksss ???????
I can't believe this guys make so much Lego things it's good it's really good
You should design a motor to slowly make it spin so you can see the countries but don’t have to spin it yourself.
I just subscribed! Thx for the good content
Wow the thumbnail looks awesome
Legends can only do that 😱
Whats the song playing @ 1:05?
BTW interesting and really good type of content
You playing with the lego earth: lego mans: AAAAAA HELPPP🏭🏬🏫🏪🏩🏨🏦🏥🏤🏣🏢🏰🏯🌁🌃🔥🔥☄☄
Idea: make a suspension simulation/ testing of rock or something like that, with like a 4 link suspension or wishbone suspension!
Oooooh this is cool. The ending was an ultimate moment of realization
4:32 uhm that globe needs help
Loved the TangoTek timelapse music.
5:45 is trippy
This drive me to buy the Globe! You are legend!
Where do you get your bricks from? I would LOVE to try making things like this!
Official Lego sets
8:22 Becomes a cat when we attempt to slide tackle it
4:40 that was the founding titan ngl
Taking the LEGO: Rebuild the World, campaign a bit too serious :P Awesome video as always!
2:12 saturdays and sundays be like
This is how the aliens will end our world, playing ball and spinning it around
2:07 made in heaven!
Love his sense of humor!
Astralia survived the astroid attack
I'm Australian lol
I’m moving to Australia
@@Louisdabus pros: surviving an asteroid (possibly)
cons: the animals
That’s not how you spell Australia 🇦🇺
i love your videos they inspire me to make lego inventions
Why am I so excited that I'm third here?
Oh cool
You throwing that astreoid on it really hurt to watch!😔🤣
Just one question: Where did you buy that Lego Globe? I'm asking this since I'm a geography, history, math, and puzzle nerd.
It would be sooo coool if you made the Death Star out of the globe than you have a spinning Death Star on on your desk that would be amazing 🤩
this must took A wile because you needed to do an back scrach 0:20
You are so talented!
Dude, I'm so happy u lowered my expectations bY saying u wouldn't upload in months and here u are, u have exceeded my expectations.......................... IM 4TH!
😂 I didn’t say that, I just said maybe like every other week lol.
I’ll be consistian don’t worry! ❤️
@@Brick_Science Okie, got it continue what u luv doin 😎
You sir have earned my subscription 🤣. Great content
The globe looks fantastic. I wonder what you'll do to it. #sss
so nice of lego to make this for us so we have something to look at once the world ends
That’s amazing! You’re literally turned square into round shape
Fortunately none of these things will ever happen to us because the earth is flat.
Congrats on 200k!
2:28 helicopter helicopter oops
LEGO should have made that set a series, called LEGO Worlds, like the game xD And then made other planets too. Would've been nice
4:18 RIP
I love all ur videos keep it coming(:
I think you are so creative and smart, it is very interesting to watch
Broooooo) You do so cool content! I understand how it hard to build this. Well done
I’ve as many as twelve totally original models I made out Bionicle sets as a teen. Repurposing Lego is the best part in my opinion.
to good i laugh all the time
Yes Minecraft! Awesome creative bilid
And awesome Minecraft cave
it’s all Minecraft