Maybe in Amsterdam, with a much larger gay community, it is different. But here in Eindhoven (5th largest city of the Netherlands) it looks like really no one uses the shower at my gym.
There are open showers and closed showers. And there is a sauna. I have never seen anyone taking a shower there. The sauna is always cold. If you want to use it, a button needs to be pushed. Then the sauna will be heated. In the meantime one can undress and take a shower until the sauna is on temperature.
But really, it is always spotless clean and dry as Nevada desert, as all guys simply put on their jack and step into their car to have a shower at home. Because no one showers, I feel weird to be the only one to take a shower and a sauna.
To be honest, I prefer to drop the sweaty attire in the basket and take a shower at home as well. Just more convenient. But indeed: a missed opportunity to see, and been seen and to flirt or encounter.
But again: Amsterdam is Amsterdam, impossible to compare with the rest of the Netherlands. Earlier this year it was in the news that Amsterdam gyms were complaining about gay men using their accomodation as cruising areas.
Well, I wish there was
any cruising in my local gym.