Freya von Doom & Carmela Clutch - Memories Made Better Together
Duration: 51:02
Views: 17 342
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Dad and Daughter
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«One of the best modern day pornographic narratives to date in 2023!! They are a "fun family" is how I like to put it, and that's totally okay. Nothing biologically wrong with it at all, especially since he is the stap-father. They are mature enough to understand and accept the situation mutually amongst one another. The motherly admittedly had to wrap her head around it, and got involved to guide her daughter into it. The daughter wanted a special night and got it. There is nothing wrong with incest at all as long as it is done right. It always was normal since the elden days. It actually got banned in some places more recently within the past couple centuries or less than that only because of in-breeding between relatives who were too closely related. Thus, our very natural and humane temptations becoming "taboo" in some of these places, but banning natural temptations will never stop these encounters from happening, because it's natural to have deeper feelings toward those we feel closest to. All that matters is that all choices are made in a healthy enough manner. I hope for a day that more people understand this, and that incest is no longer taboo anymore just like the good ol' days where it was once completely normal. It's like incest was cancelled before cancel culture was even of well-known existence. It really should have never became such a big deal, especially considering that not much concrete evidence even links incestuous breeding (inbreeding) to deformities anyway. Scientists mainly claimed that inbreeding MAY increase the risks of deformities or reproductive complications, but still with not enough concrete evidence to fully justify said claims. Even so, if that's the case, the laws should have only restricted or banned inbreeding itself until further notice, but still allow the people's rights to healthy and safe incestuous relationships and encounters. People have more access to protection as well to prevent any kind of inbreeding as well, so even the closest related fun-family members can bond and enjoy their encounters using protection to prevent reproductory harm or demormities to children. Literally, all they have to do is wear protection, cycle the pill, etc... and scientists can look into more healthier options for these kinds of people. Yes, there are plenty of fish in the sea, BUT no relationship is like one shared with someone who is closest to us. Let that sink in. People who have never shared a wonderful healthy and safe incestuous chemistry with someone is definitely missing out. If anyone else agrees with what I'm saying here, feel free to forward, share, and/or quote any piece(s) of this comment. People should feel free to stand up for what we believe in.»